IMDB 7.4
Jack's Rating :

A really different, quirky film neo-noir. When Brendan's ex-girlfriend Emily disappears, he starts to investigate what happened.
Brendan's investigation leads to a drug selling gang who has a mysterious leader called The Pin. He then finds out most of the drama going on involves a missing brick of heroin.
The movie is highly stylized and the character speak a strange hip language, that is reminiscent of the kind of dialogue spoken in classic film noir. It is a language you would never really hear people speak.
It's not a film that I would have thought would work, but somehow it does.
Roger Ebert said of the movie: You will forgive me for reaching back 35 years for a quotation to open this review of "Brick," since the movie itself is inspired by hard-boiled crime novels written by Dashiell Hammett between 1929 and 1934. What is unexpected, and daring, is that "Brick" transposes the attitudes and dialogue of classic detective fiction to a modern Southern California high school. These are contemporary characters who say things like, "I got all five senses and I slept last night. That puts me six up on the lot of you." Or, "Act smarter than you look, and drop it."
Brendan's investigation leads to a drug selling gang who has a mysterious leader called The Pin. He then finds out most of the drama going on involves a missing brick of heroin.
The movie is highly stylized and the character speak a strange hip language, that is reminiscent of the kind of dialogue spoken in classic film noir. It is a language you would never really hear people speak.
It's not a film that I would have thought would work, but somehow it does.
Roger Ebert said of the movie: You will forgive me for reaching back 35 years for a quotation to open this review of "Brick," since the movie itself is inspired by hard-boiled crime novels written by Dashiell Hammett between 1929 and 1934. What is unexpected, and daring, is that "Brick" transposes the attitudes and dialogue of classic detective fiction to a modern Southern California high school. These are contemporary characters who say things like, "I got all five senses and I slept last night. That puts me six up on the lot of you." Or, "Act smarter than you look, and drop it."
Not a movie I thought I would like, but I did. It was very well done.
Brendan Frye: I've got knives in my eyes, I'm going home sick.
Brendan Frye: Emily said four words I didn't know. Tell me if they catch. Brick?
The Brain: No.
Brendan Frye: Or Bad Brick?
The Brain: Nope.
Brendan Frye: Tug?
The Brain: Tug? Tug might be a drink, like milk and vodka, or something.
Brendan Frye: Poor Frisco?
The Brain: Frisco? Frisco Farr was a sophomore last year, real trash. Maybe had a class a week, I didn't know him then, haven't seen him around.
Brendan Frye: Pin?
The Brain: Pin. The Pin?
Brendan Frye: The Pin, yeah?
The Brain: The Pin is kinda a local spook story, you know, the King Pin.
Brendan Frye: Yeah, I've heard it.
The Brain: Same thing, he's supposed to be old, like 26. Lives in town.
Brendan Frye: Dope runner, right?
The Brain: Big time. See the Pin pipes it from the lowest scraper for Brad Bramish to sell, maybe. Ask any dope rat where their junk sprang and they'll say they scraped it from that, who scored it from this, who bought it off so, and after four or five connections the list always ends with The Pin. But I bet you, if you got every rat in town together and said "Show your hands" if any of them've actually seen The Pin, you'd get a crowd of full pockets.
Brendan Frye: You think The Pin's just a tale to take whatever heat?
The Brain: Hmm... So what's first?
Brendan Frye: Show of hands.
Brendan Frye: Maybe I'll just sit here and bleed at you.
The Pin: You got Tug to bring you in here, which he never does. And you got me listening. So, I'm very curious what you have to say, and it better be really, really good.
Brendan Frye: I was just going to come up with some bit of information, or set up some phony deal. And I think she'd let me walk. Then I was going to go to the vice principal and spill the in the street address of the biggest dope port in the burg.
Tugger: He knows zippo.
Brendan Frye: 1250, Vista Blanca, the ink blotter, on the desk in the den, in the basement, of the house with the tacky mailbox.
Laura Dannon: Do you trust me now?
Brendan Frye: Less than when I didn't trust you before.