IMDB 7.5
Jack's Rating :

Known in English as The Big Risk, this movie features two great French actors, Lino Ventura and Jean-Paul Belmondo.
Abel Davis (Lino Ventura) is a criminal hiding out in Italy. He has been on the run for years. When the police begin to close in on him he decides that he must bring his wife and two young sons back to France. Abel and his friend Raymond commit a robbery to get the money to finance their trip.
In the escape Abel's wife and Raymond are both killed. Abel calls some friends in Paris to come help him out. His friends think it is too risky so they send a tranger, Erik Stark (Belmondo), to get him. Abel is not happy that his friends, who he has helped in the past so much, would not come and get him. He is especially angry because he has his children with him and he wants to get them to Paris.
Erik and Abel become friends on the trip back, and they pick up a girl who was being abused by her manager on the ride back.
Abel meets with his former friends but has no patience for their excuses as to why they didn't come for him. He breaks some things and storms out.
Abel then meets an old friend of his father and leaves the kids with him. Abel then robs a fence that he knows to get money for his kids. Now his friends begin to turn on him and the police are closing in.
Abel shoots and kills one of his old friends who has betrayed him. His whole world has come crashing down. He lost his wife and his friends.
The movie ends with the narrator saying: "A few days later, Abel Davos was arrested. He was brought to trial, sentenced and executed."
A few days later, Abel Davos was arrested. He was brought to trial, sentenced and executed."