IMDB 7.7
Jack's Rating :

Caleb is a programmer who wins a company contest. He gets to go out to the boss's estate. While there he meets Kyoko, a mute servant and Ave, an AI robot.
Nathan, the boss, wants Caleb to do a Turing like test on Ava. Ava tells Caleb not to trust Nathan because he lies.
We begin to see Caleb falling for Ava. Caleb finds out that as Nathan improves his robots, he wipes out the old ones. He downloads the mind, and adds new code to the new improved model. He can re-use good bodies.
Nathan gets drunk and Caleb takes his security card. He changes some of the security code. He then finds out the Kyoko is a robot. Nathan also cuts in to his arm to make sure he is really human. It's getting tough to tell.
He later meets Ava and tells her he is going to help her escape before Nathan can re-program her.
Nathan knows about the conversation, having battery powered cameras that worked when Ava shut down the power, but Caleb has anticipated he would know.
Nathan tells Caleb that because Ava seduced him and convinced him to help her escape, she has passed the Turing test.
Nathan knocks Caleb out. Nathan then tries to stop Ava from leaving but Kyoko helps her and stabs Nathan. Nathan then smashes her up, but Ava stabs and kills him.
Ava then dresses up in synthetic skin and heads out in to the world, leaving Caleb in a locked room.
The ending made me think of both Blade Runner and Body Heat. It examines the question of what it means to be human. We also have the last scene of Ava walking out in her white dress, with Caleb locked in his room, just like Ned Racine locked in his prison cell.
Ava: Isn't it strange, to create something that hates you?